
Showing posts from July, 2020

My favourite travel destination in India

Camping in Rishikesh might be the perfect vacation for some people but not me.  India is already an amazing Country with thousands of travel destinations but my favorite favorite one is Agra. Agra is a very beautiful city and also the pollution rate there is very less as compared to other cities because government applies very strict rules against pollution there because of the "Taj Mahal". Taj Mahal is the main reason why Agra is famous for but there are many other tourist place as well. But like other persons i also like Agra Mainly for Taj Mahal. It is probably the best monument in India and also it is present in the list of " 7 Wonders of the World " and when you see it in reality then you will also say that its really a wonder. Its looks quite small in photos but reality its definitely bigger than your imagination. It always reminds me of the hard work of architectures and labors who make it possible on that time when people doesn't even have prope

Food photography tips for bloggers

Food PR and food photography have recently gained popularity. As craze for Blogging increases, adding photograph in the blog also increases and also food blogging is one of the most common types of blogs. making travelling and other blogs are tough but creating a food blog is very easy all you need to have is just knowledge of food items and the most importantly is passion for food. So here are some basic tips to beginners who wanted to start a food blog but they are not capable of taking attractive pictures. 1) Use the camera you mostly use Many peoples are not comfortable with the new camera but still they shoot with it which makes their photos imperfect. 2) Don't use to much props 3) Lighting is the key Choose the best lighting while taking pictures because photos can make your blog a 1000 time more attractive and lighting can make your photos look 1000 times better, so choose perfect lighting. Natural lighting is the best lighting. 4) Practice makes a man perfect 5) Keep

Interior Designing and Decor as a Career Choice

Dreaming of opening Interior Designing Companies all over the world is not the only thing that you need to do. Find out here if it’s the right career choice for you. Nowadays many people looses their jobs and by looking at them most of the young generation students starts to thinking that doing our own business is far more better than doing job because no matter how hard you work when the tough time comes then your company can fire you. Most of the people have interest in interior designing and decoration but they are scared to select it as their career because they think that what if the business won't succeed. So Don't be scared nowadays its getting more and more popular then ever before because everyone wants to buy their own house and decorate it the way no one else have seen before so yes this career is full of opportunities and nothing is more happier than making your hobby as your career. There are several career opportunities in interior designing from which one can ch

Is it safe to get married during Corona?

Couples are searching for the perfect marriage garden , pretty dresses and performing small functions in order to tie the knot. But is it really safe? Let’s find out. Well according to me getting married in COVID time is like a gambling with life. You can not predict that will it end well or ruin your best memory for the entire life time. Well its better to wait till situations will come under control because you can wait to get married but if anything goes wrong then we don't even have a vaccine for it till now. No matter how well prepared you are for every situation but still its not safe to play with something you can't control after. When the world is suffering from a pandemic like corona then also its our responsibilities to obey rules and creating gathering in the time like this may help in spreading the disease more. So as a responsible Person its our duty to follow precaution and stay home until its very urgent to go out. You just cannot leave everything to GOD or Gov.,

Job vs Business: What’s Better?

Income generation doesn’t have to be too difficult. Since when we were child it has been taught to us that study hard or else you won't get the good job in future and we heard many things like "Money doesn't grow on tree" and so on but was it really that much tough to earn or doing job is the only way to earn.  The clear answer is "NO". Business is the best way to earn and even in COVID situation most of the people loose their jobs but those who runs the business have a hope that after this pandemic they can continue their business. So yes in my opinion doing business is better than doing job because in job you will work for someone else and also their is no security and nothing. The day you leave job they will hire someone else in your place but in business you have the power. The efforts you do you will do for yourself so your motivation will be very high and also in business you don't work under someone else, here you are your own boss. Doing job is

Why Indore is the best city in India

I did my Internship in Indore and I feel it’s the best city in India. Well India is a very big country with the very huge population and its each and every city is different from other. In recent days i have completed my Internship in Raletta organization in Indore city and i found that it is the best city in India.  It was very clean and beautiful place just like we imagine in our dreams. Everyone follow traffic rules and the city's infrastructure seems very awesome. The city is developed and you can say that just by looking at the amazing infrastructure of buildings in that city. The rules is followed by everyone and there was kind of discipline among the general public. The city is very developed but still there were lot of gardens and greenery.  It is located on the southern edge of the Malwa plateau, which makes it an excellent tourist destination. Indore city also has many good tourist spots in its vicinity. Mandav is a city of palaces and lakes and it is very close to Indor

Starting a Hair Braiding Salon

You can easily earn INR 30,000-INR 50,000 per month by opening a Braiding Shop or a salon.  Hair braiding is an art. It requires a great talent and skill to braid hair, to make money from your work as a professional you must follow your state's cosmetology guidelines. These regulations are in here to educate hair braiders and ensure the safety of consumers. If you're looking to start a hair braiding salon, then you can do many things to grow your business - 1)  First, Contact your state's board of cosmetology to know what are the main requirements for braiding hair professionally and fulfill all of them..  2) Get the business licenses required in your state to start your business. If you are planning to sell the hair care products to your clients, then you may need retail permits as well. 3)  Rent or buy a space to braid your client's hair. In some places, you may be allowed to braid hair from home. Otherwise the other option is to rent a place. 4)  Create a portfolio

3 Business Ideas for Students

A Confidence Coach can help you generate profitable business ideas. The world is getting smaller day by day, the jobs are less and the applicants are more so almost everyone wants to start their business and why wait for getting 25 to do it... Why not now today here are 3 Business ideas for Students - 1) Blogging  Blogging is the best way to express your views on something and also it will hep you in earning as well. All you need to do is just go ahead a create an account on any blogging site and start writing today.  There are various options you can choose from like food blog, travelling blog, gaming blog and so on. 2) You tube Channel If you think you are a good presenter, speaker, gamer or you have anything else which you can show to others then its the best platform to start from. You can tell different tricks or you can make any informative video and the best part bout it is that it will give you a lot of money if you spend some time and efforts on it. 3) Social Media Influenc